The Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence Act, Chapter 581 of Laws of Malta, defines domestic violence to include: all acts or omissions including verbal, physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence causing physical and, or moral harm or suffering, including threats of such acts or omissions, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, that occur within ...
Due to the high seas often being used as a vector to facilitate crime, the exercise of jurisdiction is relevant to the enhancement of maritime security. International law enunciated the principle of exclusive flag State jurisdiction to cater for such surveillance. However, given the nature of the crimes carried out on the high seas, the...
The Minister of Finance introduced the country’s Budget for the year 2022. It is highlighted that the Budget deficit of the country increased to €1.268 billion (that is 9.7% GDP) in 2020 and the deficit forecast for 2021 is of €1.545 billion (that is 11.4% of GDP). Salient features of the measures announced include: Tax...
In May 2015, the accused was charged with having abused his position as an employer in the public sector and had mis-used public funds. From the evidence, it transpired that all the works carried out fell within the remit of the Ministry of Gozo and that there was no indication of any wrong doing. The...
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